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Snap Web Conversions API


Snap’s Conversions API (CAPI) for web is a structured, privacy-centric interface that allows you to directly pass web events to Snap via a Server-to-Server (S2S) integration. This helps Snapchat’s system to optimize your ad campaigns, improve your targeting, and measure the conversions that result from your Snapchat Ad campaigns.  Server events behave similarly to events sent via other solutions, like Snap web pixel.

Source Set-up:

Website data source is the most common event source that can be used to track user actions on the website. Website data source tracks user actions and hashed user data which can be sent to multiple types of data destinations such as Ad platforms for targetting and campaign optimization, analytics, and marketing automation tools.

Destination Set-up:

Snap Conversions API destination is set up using a Pixel ID that can be created or is available in Snap’s Business Account. The API is authenticated using the access token which can be generated manually from the business settings in Snap Business Account.

  • Datahash account login with Website source and Snap web CAPI destinations connectors enabled
  • Access to Domain Manager of your website domain for setting up a new sub-domain
  • Access to Google Tag Manager or website code to implement the website tags
  • Snap Business Account with access to Pixel ID enabled with web events tracking

This document will guide you through the implementation of Snap web Conversions API (CAPI) through your website as a data source.

Implementation of Snap Web Conversions API (Web CAPI) includes the following three steps:

Step 1: Set up a sub-domain for first-party cookies

Step 2: Set up your website as a data source for Web events

Step 3: Set up Snap Conversions API Destination


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