Subdomain set-up for first-party data collection

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  4. DNS records set-up on Etisalat DNS Manager

DNS records set-up on Etisalat DNS Manager

NS Records

Step 1: Go to Etisalat Login to the domain Dashboard.

Step 2: Search for the domain you want to modify Name Servers and click ‘MANAGE’ button.

Step 3: Click ‘Edit’ button under Name Server.

Step 4: Enter the NS Record based on the information provided in the Datahash set-up window. Click on Save. Repeat this process for all 4 NS records provided by datahash.

(Register Nameserver)

CNAME Records

 Step 1: Login to the domain Dashboard.

Step 2: Search for the domain you want to modify CNAME and click ‘MANAGE’ button.

Step 3: Click ‘Edit’ button under DNS Manager.

Step 4: Click ‘ADD MORE CNAME’ button & copy the CNAME record value shared by datahash and paste the same in the domain manager.


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