Subdomain set-up for first-party data collection

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  4. DNS records set-up on Namesco DNS Manager

DNS records set-up on Namesco DNS Manager

NS Records

Step 1: Go to our website & hoose “Log in” found on the top right-hand side of the page and log into your Online Control Panel.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Services” tab and from the drop-down menu choose “Dashboard”.

An image showing the dashboard navigation menu option

Step 3: The page that loads will show a list of your domain names. Please choose the domain name you are wanting to update the nameservers for.

An image showing the selection for the domain name

Step 4: If you navigate to the bottom of the page, you will see a section called “Change Nameservers” – choose this option.

The option for Changing Nameservers in the Control Panel

Step 5: Enter the DNS Record Name and Value based on the information provided in the Datahash set-up window. Repeat for all 4 NS records provided by datahash.

The options for selecting new nameservers

CNAME Records

Step 1:Navigate to our website & login to your account

Step 2: Once you have successfully logged into your Online Control Panel, navigate to the “Services” tab and from the drop-down menu choose “Dashboard”.

An image showing the location of the Dashboard in the menu

Step 3: The page that loads will show a list of your domain names. Choose the domain name you are looking to make DNS changes to.

An image of selecting the domain in the dashboard

Step 4: If you navigate to the bottom of the page, you will see a section called “DNS Settings” – choose this option.

An image showing the box for the DNS settings selector

Step 5: The new Page will show “Add/Modify DNS zone”. This area is broken into sections – showing the domain name firstly at the top.

An image showing the modify DNS zone file

Step 6:  Choose CNAME type & copy the CNAME record value shared by datahash and paste the same in the domain manager. Add the record.

The DNS setting page

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