Subdomain set-up for first-party data collection

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DNS records set-up on Rebel DNS Manager

NS Records

Step 1: Login to your Rebel account, click on My Account, and select Domain Manager.

Step 2: Click directly on your domain name to access the domain editing page.

Step 3: On the domain editing page, select the DNS tab.

Step 4: Scroll down to Manage Advanced DNS Records and click on Advanced DNS Manager. 

Step 5: To add an NS record, click the button to Add New Record.

Step 6: Set the Record Type as NS. Enter the NS Record based on the information provided in the Datahash set-up window. Click the green Save button to Save.

Step 7: Repeat for all 4 NS records

CNAME Records

Step 1: Login to your Rebel account, click on My Account, and select Domain Manager.

Step 2: Click directly on your domain name to access the domain editing page.

Step 3: On the domain editing page, select the DNS tab.

Step 4: Scroll down to Manage Advanced DNS Records and click on Advanced DNS Manager. 

Step 5: To add an NS record, click the button to Add New Record.

Step 6: Set the Record Type as CNAME. Copy the CNAME record value shared by datahash and paste the same in the domain manager. Click the green Save button to Save.

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